Blog Post
Who We Are
Stony Point Center is a year-round, 32-acre retreat facility for groups ranging from 8 to 180. Located in the lower Hudson Valley, we are just 30 miles North of NYC. We believe in the possibilities of change and that the arc of history is indeed bending toward justice. Groups come here to reflect, recharge, and reconnect; to plan, execute, and train; to create, commune, and collaborate. Our mission is to nurture a space of inclusion and acceptance so guest groups can confront and transform the brokenness of our shared physical and spiritual world.

Leaf-Peeping Season Still Has (a little) Room at Stony Point Center!
As we dream of cooling weather, images of changing leaves come delightfully to mind. Picture your group, congregation, or social justice organization taking a breather up here with us at Stony Point Center this fall! We still have room, particularly for groups coming during the week.
Get in touch and we’ll help you get some seriously great retreat vibes this autumn for your group of 8 to 180 people. We do love sharing the beauty, serenity, and inspiration we are lucky enough to experience daily living right here. Won’t you come up and join us for a spell?
Stony Point Center is a year-round, 32-acre retreat facility for groups ranging from 8 to 180. Located in the lower Hudson Valley, we are just 30 miles North of NYC. We believe in the possibilities of change and that the arc of history is indeed bending toward justice. Groups come here to reflect, recharge, and reconnect; to plan, execute, and train; to create, commune, and collaborate. Our mission is to nurture a space of inclusion and acceptance so guest groups can confront and transform the brokenness of our shared physical and spiritual world.

New Programs Starting at Stony Point Center this Spring!
Stony Point Center is a 32-acre retreat facility located about 30 miles NW of NYC in the Hudson Valley. We believe in the possibilities of change and that the arc of history is indeed bending toward justice. Groups come here to reflect, recharge and reconnect; to plan, execute and train; to create, commune and collaborate. Stony Point Center is owned by the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is committed to being an open, safe space for all.
Our accommodations hold up to roughly 150 people at double occupancy in varied, unique buildings–from a series of mid-century modern one floor lodges to a 19th century 3-story Victorian mansion. Guest groups at Stony Point Center get centered in our Meditation Space, on walks through the labyrinth, or through our 5-acres of woods.
Stony Point Center’s meeting spaces seat anywhere from 12 people to 200: From conference-style rooms to an acoustically excellent auditorium to living room and seminar-style spots, we have your group’s needs covered!
Our campus is just a few miles from the Hudson River and minutes away from many hikes in Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks. These parks also include lakes for kayaking and canoeing, plus swimming during the summer months. We are also right by a creek and small waterfall just a few blocks away.
Stony Point Center attracts and happily hosts groups doing all sorts of good work for society at large and for the individuals attending, in particular. From social action groups to trauma healing for hospital workers to song-writers seeking inspiration and learning…and of course, religious groups seeking to deepen their faith(s).
We also partner with some excellent non-profits who rent some of our buildings and/or farm on this land: Proyecto Faro, Sweetwater Cultural Center, Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice (CLBSJ) and the Penguin Rep Theatre.
It is Stony Point Center’s honor and privilege to take care of these lands, historically occupied by the Ramapough, an indigenous people of the Hudson Valley, who are part of the Munsee Delaware (Lenape Nation).
Stony Point Center, as wholly-owned retreat space of the Presbyterian Church (USA), is committed to doing everything we can to dismantle structural racism, eliminate systemic poverty, and revitalize congregations. We also work on the intersectional priorities of climate change, gender and heteropatriarchy, and militarism. See the Matthew 25 Movement for more on what our forward-thinking denomination is doing in the world.
We welcome all with open arms, including those with and without a faith or faith background, any and all genders and orientations, races, ethnicities, nationalities…. Our campus has been the site of many beautiful experiments and is continually guided by the loving hand of our Creator.

Welcoming Fall!
As the weather cools and the greens of summer shift to the brilliant hues of autumn, Stony Point Center rolls into yet another beautiful season in gratitude for our Creator, for this place, and for the people who we have been able to gather here recently.
In the last few weeks, we have enthusiastically hosted several groups, including a…
- gathering of pediatric chaplains who met to decompress while planning their larger conference coming in 2022. They incorporated some lively board games as a fun way to develop community among their numbers
- regional medical group’s staff who, after an unparalleled and exhausting year battling the pandemic, received respite and renewal at the center with the help of therapists and the simple peace that comes from being away in a welcoming, nurturing space
- older adult yoga group who kept meeting virtually during the pandemic and added to their numbers during those online sessions. Doing yoga together helped through the isolation and sedative proclivities of life in those times. At their gathering here, they all got together in person for the very first time since the pandemic began
We hope that wherever this finds you, that you can take a moment to breathe deep and find a little bit of retreat in your day to renew your mind, open your heart and enjoy the now.
Oh! And let us know when you’d like to plan your own group retreat here or come by to say hi. It is an exciting time of renewal for us, too, after having to close for quite a long time during the pandemic. We are grateful to be here and to be able to open our doors once again to the world.

Fresh Food Donations to Local Immigrant Families
As we re-open Stony Point Center, we are teaming up with local catering companies to help feed our guests. Sometimes this means we are left with an abundance of fresh food. Fresh food that could go to food insecure local families. Enter Proyecto Faro!
The volunteers in this photo are doing just that. Thanks to Proyecto Faro’s intimate connection with nearby immigrant families, they quickly distribute these fresh meals to folks in immediate need.
Based on the Stony Point Center campus, “Proyecto Faro / Project Lighthouse is an immigrant-led organizing effort allied with immigrant and non-immigrant religious and secular communities and organizations to galvanize support and action among those in Rockland County who feel insecure due to their immigration status. We strive to create solidarity across boundaries of legal status, country of origin, and religious affiliation.”*
We are thankful for our ongoing relationship with this organization. And we are grateful to be able to share when we are blessed with abundance.
*from their website,
We’re BACK! Come and Join Us!
Bring your groups of up to 53 (100+ when we are back to full capacity) and stay in the Gilmor Sloane House, Maple Lodge, the Allison House or Lower Stone House. Enjoy comfortable housing and meeting rooms, excellent food, the labyrinth, Meditation Space, walks in the woods just minutes from the Hudson and Harriman State Park! We can’t think of a better place for you to gather and are dedicated to welcoming you home.
So proud to remind you that Stony Point Center is an Open Space for All, and everyone is welcome regardless of faith background, orientation, race or ability. The world may try to divide us, but we remain committed to great welcome and hospitality for all.
AVAILABILITY NOW: Book now as we currently have weekend space available and mid-week space available each month. To book, contact Chelsea deLisser or fill out an inquiry form here.
Check out our COVID page: We will update this page as decisions are made. We will always err on the side of your safety.
How are things going with bringing Stony Point Center back on-line? Check our news and reflections section for more information. And sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page while you are there.
Honk for Immigrant Rights
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exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Dolor sit amet, adipiscing, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
The Opera Singer
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam pellentesque magna nec sodales condimentum. Pellentesque sodales sodales lacus eget faucibus. Vestibulum aliquet purus vitae tincidunt mattis.
The Artist
Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eget consectetur id, posuere at ligula. Vivamus imperdiet diam ac tortor tempus posuere. Curabitur at arcu id turpis posuere bibendum. Sed commodo mauris eget diam pretium cursus. In sagittis feugiat mauris, in ultrices mauris lacinia eu. Fusce augue velit, vulputate elementum semper congue, rhoncus adipiscing nisl. Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis massa. Mauris mattis est quis dolor venenatis vitae pharetra diam gravida. Vivamus dignissim, ligula vel ultricies varius, nibh velit pretium leo, vel placerat ipsum risus luctus purus.
Magnetic Duo New Album
Vivamus pharetra magna fermentum tincidunt imperdiet. Aenean venenatis sollicitudin odio in ultrices. Proin a nibh at dolor rhoncus pulvinar. Nullam eget tincidunt enim.
Song Inspiration
Proin vitae lectus eu turpis sollicitudin sagittis. Aliquam nunc odio, semper lacinia tincidunt a, dapibus vitae dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
Gothic Music Art
Nullam fringilla facilisis ultricies. Ut volutpat ultricies rutrum. In laoreet, nunc et auctor condimentum, enim lacus lacinia dolor, non accumsan leo nisl id lorem. Duis vehicula et turpis fringilla hendrerit.
Dance Music Remix
In lobortis vehicula lectus, et venenatis velit euismod sit amet. Morbi egestas malesuada turpis, dictum consequat mauris scelerisque ac. Mauris luctus commodo lorem, pulvinar sollicitudin ante porttitor id.
The Guitar Queen
Phasellus dui erat, tincidunt pulvinar tempor at, lacinia eu lacus. Aenean euismod tellus laoreet turpis viverra facilisis. Nunc eu viverra eros, et facilisis dui. Sed pretium id risus eu tincidunt.
Las Vegas Music Cabaret
Donec hendrerit, lectus in dapibus consequat, libero arcu dignissim turpis, id dictum odio felis eget ante. In ullamcorper pulvinar rutrum. In id neque pulvinar, tempor orci ac, tincidunt libero. Fusce ultricies arcu at mauris semper bibendum.
Vanya Alyona New Album
In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non. Quisque at fermentum purus, a aliquet arcu. In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non. Quisque at fermentum purus, a aliquet arcu. In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non. Quisque at fermentum purus, a aliquet arcu. In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non. Quisque at fermentum purus, a aliquet arcu. In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit.
Make Up For The Concert
Cras tristique feugiat neque sed vestibulum. Sed eu urna quis lacus aliquet fermentum vel sed risus. Integer laoreet pretium interdum. Proin consequat consequat feugiat. Integer pellentesque faucibus aliquet.
Music For Street Dance
Etiam lorem sapien, vestibulum ut nisl sed, egestas dignissim enim. Nam lacus massa, pellentesque eget pulvinar vitae, sagittis eget justo. Maecenas bibendum sit amet odio et sodales. Praesent cursus mattis tortor, ut vestibulum purus venenatis at.
Dance Music Competition 2019
Aliquam mattis mauris a sapien tincidunt, ac vestibulum urna porta. Aenean aliquet vulputate lacus vel venenatis. Etiam lorem sapien, vestibulum ut nisl sed, egestas dignissim enim.
Vintage Theme For Retro Music
Vestibulum posuere, nunc eu consequat pulvinar, ipsum tortor dictum massa, vitae auctor diam nisi id dolor. Quisque blandit sem ac mauris rutrum, vitae dapibus orci ultrices. Fusce dignissim dignissim bibendum.
Interview : DJ Angel Alona
hasellus at nibh in erat rhoncus ornare. In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non.
Video Clip Models on Set
Sed eu urna quis lacus aliquet fermentum vel sed risus. Integer laoreet pretium interdum. Proin consequat consequat feugiat. Integer pellentesque faucibus aliquet.