News & Reflections
Welcome Chelsea deLisser as Stony Point Center’s new Director!
We are so excited to announce that Chelsea deLisser has been promoted to Director of Stony Point Center! Chelsea began serving in this role on March 6, 2023. Prior to this date, she had been serving at Stony Point in various capacities. Reflecting on her experience, Chelsea writes about her experience that “God’s hands have […]
Peace Be With Us All
Peace be with you, brothers, sisters & siblings, on this 6th day of Hanukkah, & the eve of Christmas. Let the continuous light of God shine between us, within us & through us. Wherever you find divine light & truth, we urge you to listen, observe & seek to understand, to grow. We are all […]
Giving Tuesday
As we head into the end of the year, I want to thank you on this Giving Tuesday for your gifts towards the success of our mission at Stony Point Center. I say “our” with intention, because your gifts are just as essential as the hands of our staff and volunteers in making sure that […]
Stony Point Center joins all those committed to justice and the righting of wrongs in celebrating Indigenous People’s Day!
In September 2022, Stony Point Center was graced with a gathering of Indigenous leaders of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. who came together in our newly installed high-tech Overbrook Conversation room in Allison House (as the first group to use this special space!) They gathered to discuss the Dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery. The PC(USA) […]
New Programs Starting at Stony Point Center this Spring!
Stony Point Center is excited to provide a growing offering of programs designed to help everyone “bend the arc of history towards justice.” Programs will support learning, networking, and training towards impactful action. Topics will range from irradicating systemic poverty and dismantling institutional racism, to sabbath retreats and innovation labs. Social justice challenges will not […]