As I write, Jewish, Muslim and Christians worldwide are in the midst of or are preparing for the celebrations of Passover, Ramadan and Easter (date as observed by Protestant and Catholic Christians). Once every 33 years these important holidays overlap and we find ourselves in seasons of celebration and remembrance together.
Though each faith tradition celebrates in different ways and for different reasons, the intersections of the blessings these holy days commemorate are worth reflecting on:
Passover celebrates the night the Jewish slaves in Egypt were saved from the wrath of God by marking their doors with the blood of a sacrificial lamb.
Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer celebrates the revelation of the Quran to Mohammad, as well as the forgiveness of past sins.
Easter marks the day, three days after being crucified on the cross, that Jesus rose from the tomb, fulfilling his ministry and marking the salvation of his followers.
We hope you can take some time this weekend to think about how you have been blessed. Our prayer for you at Stony Point Center is that:
- You will find peace and solace in your faith tradition
- Your Creator protects and looks over you, offers words of guidance to lead you, offers you forgiveness for your sins
- In your faith, you will find salvation from the evil in this world.
We further pray that you will take time to reflect upon others of different faith traditions, creeds, nations, tribes and other associations and pray the blessings you celebrate are bestowed upon them as well.
May you be a blessing to others!
Ramadan Murbarak! Chag Sameach! And a Happy Easter to all of you and yours.