As we head into the end of the year, I want to thank you on this Giving Tuesday for your gifts towards the success of our mission at Stony Point Center. I say “our” with intention, because your gifts are just as essential as the hands of our staff and volunteers in making sure that the mission of this vital gathering space impacts others going forward as it has so deeply impacted you.
When many think of Stony Point Center, they picture the Meditation Space, and for good reason: The “Med Space” is at the literal and figurative heart of our Center. How so? Built in honor of John Musser Lloyd, an SPC supporter and world traveler who studied both Eastern meditation and Western prayer traditions, the building’s architecture reflects lovingly open spiritual questing by physically reflecting all three Abrahamic religious traditions–Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Look closely and you’ll see that the structure is supported not by walls, but rather by posts just outside of the walls. It is built, then, as a tent – like Abraham’s tent. The Meditation Space, our version of Abraham’s tent, is one of faith-filled openness and welcome.
Your continued gifts keep the proverbial tent raised and open to all. Please consider giving a financial this year (tax-free). It is continued gifts like yours that allow us to not only keep an open welcome to all, but also to maintain the beauty of Stony Point Center as exemplified by the Med Space for future visitors. As we move forward, our present and our future are grounded in our past. We are growing in new ways to be an innovative space while continuing to serve our guests as we always have done. With arms and doors wide open to people of all faiths and to those who claim no faith, Stony Point Center inspires so many to gather, create space apart from their daily lives, encounter the holy, be inspired, equipped and connected, and to return to the world as instruments of change, justice, and hope.
I remain thankful for all your generous of Stony Point Center. You are welcome here anytime. Come join us and see where this space of welcome and justice is being called to next!
In peace and hope,
Brian Frick, Interim Executive Director of Stony Point Center