Our Programs Stony Point Center Programs
Are you ready for TOPCON 2025? We hope so, because the Theology of Play Conference is coming to Stony Point Center, in Stony Point, New York. TOPCON will take place from Wednesday, March 26th to Saturday, March 29th. That’s over three days of conversations about the theology of play and playing tons of tabletop games.
And if that’s not enough, we’ll also have game designer workshops, opportunities to play-test games, a game swapping table, mini game reviews, a Flip 7 tournament, and a few more surprises we’ll keep to ourselves for now. If you love tabletop games, the undesigned designer (God), and our call to more robust expressions of play in our ministries and lives, this is unquestionably the conference for you.
Curious about Intergenerational Ministry but don’t know where to start? Filled with questions? How do you move from age segmented ministry (Sunday School, worship led and attended mostly by adults, etc) into a truly integrated and intergenerational worship experience? What are the benefits for community development with intergenerational ministry? Is this just a fad? What support can I get if we do make this change?
This training retreat is designed just for you! Come with any experience and pre-conceived notions. Join with other church leaders, and dig into why it works, why you should do it, and learn how to build a congregations that stays together and grows together.
BONUS OFFER! Stay through Saturday 3/29 for the TOPCON Theology of Play Conference at a discount. Spend the week with us deepening your Christian formation skills.
Join us as we mark the many seasons of ministry at Stony Point Center!
Seventy-five years ago, the Gilmor Sloane sisters, faithful Presbyterian pastor’s kids and social justice supporters, gifted their grounds to the Presbyterian Church. The sisters had used their home to host global mission co-workers for gatherings of renewal, sharing and learning and passed their property on so the work could continue. Let’s celebrate!
Friday after dinner we’ll gather at the Penguin Barn Theatre for stories, music and images of our 75 years of impact.
Saturday we’ll mark our history by empowering those engaged in the struggle for justice today! We’ll be treated to a day of social justice empowerment by joining in a Social Justice Summit. We’ll hear from the Rev. Liz Theoharris of the National Poor People’s Campaign and spend time sharing and planning with leaders addressing racism and immigration; gender justice; and poverty and housing. This has been an exhausting year so far for social justice leaders. Stony Point Center continues to be here to empower and revitalize social justice leadership.
Saturday night we’ll continue our celebration with a Gala Dinner, music and a recognition ceremony. And Sunday we’ll bring it all together with Worship and the dedication of a new Memorial Grove where we will plant seeds and trees honoring those champions of justice who have completed their baptism.
We hope you will join is for an amazing weekend together.
Come together – across organizational and issue-based lines – to cross-pollinate, plant seeds, and grow roots with a community of leaders working to make the world more just for everyone. The impact of rapid changes in policy is affecting social justice movements across the spectrum. Exhausting.
Join us and fellow social justice leaders for a full day of inspiration, learning, small group sharing, resourcing, networking, and more. Designed to send you back to your community with more tools, allies, and inspiration to stand up to whatever is thrown in your path next!
Writing toward wholeness leads us to explore the power of story to transform lives. Through reflecting on the intersection points between creative and spiritual formation, our hope is to help
you unlock opportunities for growth in your relationship with yourself, other people, and God. Transformations music meditation sessions will be interwoven with writing activities, giving participants multi-modal time and space to reflect, process, and expand.
Moving from Mercy to Justice.
Addressing the immediate and daily needs of the un-housed is urgent and important. But how can we move to long-term solutions to address an unjust system? Join us for a deep dive over three days, either in-person or online, into the housing crisis in America with leadership from around the country.
A retreat to help you shift gears to the busier ministry demands of the fall. We invite you to join us for a time of “decompressing” and fellowship. We’ll provide meals, light programming (think Taize, yoga, art), spiritual space to recharge (think Labyrinth, Meditation Space and woods) and as much alone time as you need. Stony Point Center has welcomed people in need of spiritual rest for 75 years and we would love to welcome you. Designed for pastors or those serving pastoral roles. Housed in the Gilmor Sloane House with private en-suite bathrooms. Limited to 8 participants.
Click here for more information and to register. (First time users will create an account – you won’t be charged until you check out with a credit card.)
Moving from Mercy to Justice. Often, we are so consumed in acts of mercy like feeding, clothing and temporarily sheltering a portion of the growing masses of those in need that we fail to engage in equally important acts of justice that would change the policies and provide funding to establish more permanent housing. Doing so could eventually result in reducing, and eventually eliminating homelessness and the lack of affordable housing.
Join us for a deep dive into the housing crisis in the United States at your own pace. You’ll watch four recorded keynotes and presentation sessions and joining others in a live online series of three Conversation Cohorts June, July and August 2024.
More Programs Guest Group-Created Programs
- More Coming Soon!