Picturing leading a retreat of your own? Or perhaps joining in on one? Thought you might enjoy seeing a snapshot of who was here this past month and the beautiful, healing, seeking, heavy, hard, loving, faithful work they did while here. Want to book a retreat yourself? Just give us a call (845-786-5674), fill out a form online (stonypointcenter.org) or send us an email: guestservices@stonypointcenter.org. We’d love to hear from you!
- Association of Vision Educators (AVE) convened practitioners from all over the world for their first in-person conference of “Natural Vision Teachers” since 2018. The conference had over a dozen expert speakers, plus breath work, yoga, and qigong. AVE’s mission is to increase public awareness of natural and integrated vision care and encourage education, communication and research in the field. https://www.naturalvisionteachers.org/
- Chief of the Deer Clan Ramapo Lenape had a gathering at Allison House. This was made possible by Stony Point Center’s commitment to repair of historical harms.
- First United Methodist Church of Ridgefield Park held a church retreat here, to continue their mission in the world while deepening their relationship with God. We are a multi-ethnic and cultural church to embrace rich diversities as a blessing from God. Our mission…is Worshiping God, Making Disciples, and Transforming the World. We are constantly seeking to love God and our neighbors with our hearts, minds, and souls. https://ridgefieldparkumc.org/
- God’s Ladies comes together annually to work on self-improvement through meditation and yoga.
- Integration Concepts returned for their final breath-work leadership retreat of this type. (They’re working on something new, yet to be revealed.) They believe each person carries the potential for greatness; the expression is unique to each person. Our mission is to hold this vision for you until you can connect to it within yourself. https://www.integrationconcepts.net/
- Islamic Circle of North America came for a congregational retreat filled with prayer and fellowship. The ICNA seeks to be a truly representative grassroots organization of diverse Muslim Americans inclusive for all ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic statuses. ICNA strives to be an innovative, agile, and credible source of institutional support for connecting with Allah (God), with other individuals, and with the community. https://icna.org/
- Jewish Voice for Peace gathers here to be inspired and learn how to organize for peace on college campuses. [They] envision a world where all people — from the U.S. to Palestine — live in freedom, justice, equality, and dignity. Like generations of Jewish leftists before us, we fight for the liberation of all people. We believe that through organizing, we can and will dismantle the institutions and structures that sustain injustice and grow something new, joyful, beautiful, and life-sustaining in their place… https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/
- New Worshiping Initiatives Gathering is a project of the Hudson River Presbytery – discussing, sharing, and brainstorming new ways to “do church” in ways that are accessible and relevant to more people as our culture and traditional expectations change. The Presbytery’s vision: As a resurrection people, Hudson River Presbytery engages people’s passions; builds partnerships; nurtures strong leadership; and creates healthy, vital communities of faith; all to the glory of God. As members of the body of Christ, Hudson River Presbytery is called to live resurrection with passion and partnership in a changing world. https://www.hudrivpres.org/
- One Spirit Interspiritual/Interfaith Seminary Reunion: The “Grand Rising 2024” Retreat reconnected the graduating class of 2022 personally and spiritually. Interfaith seminaries train their students to perform ceremony, ritual, and service. Students study world religions, ministry, and counseling. Interfaith officiants come from many diverse faiths. Interfaith ministers develop sacred space by respecting and honoring all spiritual and religious traditions. Their work includes all the life celebrations found in traditional faiths. https://www.1spirit.org/one-spirit-seminary
- Q Christian BIPOC Retreat was filled with fellowship, reflections, time for grounding practices, a campfire & singing. Q Christian Fellowship is cultivating radical belonging for LGBTQ+ Christians and allies. https://www.qchristian.org/
- ReLOVEution (ree-love-ooshun) holds events that design and facilitate a transformational space for organizations and humans to build community, deepen and accelerate learning, foster wellbeing, and break free from the status quo. Through fully customized learning and community experiences they help workplaces become strong and sustainable ecosystems with engaged employees, powerful leaders and managers, and compassionate, heart-centered cultures. https://www.truereloveution.com/
- Research Foundation for SUNY held a leadership retreat filled with inspiration, exploration, and creative thinking. They are part of the largest comprehensive university-connected research foundation in the country, providing essential administrative services that enable SUNY faculty to focus their efforts on educating students and performing life-changing research across a wide range of disciplines, including Artificial Intelligence, Clean Energy, Biotechnology, Longevity, Substance Addiction, Nextgen Quantum Computing, Environmental Health, and Resiliency. https://www.rfsuny.org/
- Stoic Camp NY comes together to introduce Stoic philosophy as a way of life. Participants are interested in living a more meaningful, tranquil life and the retreat also supports experienced students of Stoic philosophy in their practice. One of the most successful and influential schools of thought in the ancient world which addressed [the question of how to live a good life] was Stoicism. This philosophy taught that by cultivating personal excellence (‘arete’ in Greek) was all that was needed to lead a good life and flourish as a human being (‘eudaimonia’ in ancient Greek). https://www.meetup.com/new-york-city-stoics/
- Transform: Moving Through Grief & Loss for Caregivers is a program run by Montefiore Medical Center periodically to care for the caregivers. Their mission is to heal, to teach, to discover and to advance the health of the communities we serve. Montefiore builds upon our rich history of medical innovation and community service to improve the lives of those in our care. https://montefioreeinstein.org/
- Writing Toward Transformations is a Stony Point Center program investigating the intersections of spirituality and creativity through writing, music, and guided meditation. Writing toward wholeness leads us to explore the power of story to transform lives. Through reflecting on the intersection points between creative and spiritual formation, our hope is to help you unlock opportunities for growth in your relationship with yourself, other people, and God. Transformations music meditation sessions will be interwoven with writing activities, giving participants multi-modal time and space to reflect, process, and expand. https://www.connect.faith/